
What they do at BePure is new. They combine science with holistic nutrition to personalize your health.
But ‘new’ is what is needed when you’re on a mission to create the future of health and support you, our community, to live lives abundant in health, energy and happiness.
Combining science and functional health testing with a grounding in holistic health and nutrition is what makes their products and services unique.
At BePure, they strongly believe health and wellness is holistic and not focused on just one thing. In their years of practice they have found that what we eat, how we move, how we sleep and how we think all cumulatively affect our health; in both negative and positive ways. The human body is an amazing and complex thing and they like to look at it from all angles so it can function optimally.
They believe in empowering people to adopt a simple, mindful and intuitive approach to wellness avoiding a quick fix mentality which does not address issues at their root cause. Their philosophy focuses on long-term lifestyle changes to support total health.
Health means many things to different people. At BePure health means having the energy to do what excites you now and vitality and longevity for the future.
Their mission at BePure is to create the future of health. A world where individuals and their families have access to the knowledge, nutrition and support they need to live with optimal health in an environment free of chronic disease and illness.
They strive to help people on their journey as they resolve health concerns and find an abundance of energy to manage stress and thrive in modern life.
Their approach is pretty simple. When it comes to optimal health it is all about making informed nutrition and lifestyle decisions based on your unique genetics – because we are all different.
At BePure, they seek to empower New Zealanders with the education and tools they need for their optimal health. To do this they look at health from all angles and apply a holistic, three-tiered approach. Amazing health is the culmination of nutrition, nutrient support, lifestyle factors, stress factors and appropriate movement. So, they apply gold standard testing, high-quality, high-strength nutritional support and scientific education to inform and guide you on your health journey.
Their aim at BePure is to educate people about health and provide the tools needed to help achieve optimal health.
They help people identify which foods will support their metabolism to keep their blood sugar levels stable, as this is key to hormone health, energy and weight management. They look at what is driving health concerns, such as organ function or gut health, and then work with individuals to create a personalized, tailored plan.
They understand that no two people are the same and these factors need to be implemented in a way that works for the individual. They work alongside each person to help them find this balance.
Recognized as a leader in his field with over 15 years of hands on experience, Ben Warren is one of New Zealand's most prominent nutritionists and holistic health experts.
Ben has made it his mission to build a new future of personalized health by empowering and educating New Zealanders on the importance of nutrition and living a healthy lifestyle.
His passion is nutrition and its connection to health and wellness. Ben travels all over the world to learn the latest in nutritional health, testing, research and recommendations, founding BePure to share this knowledge with New Zealanders.
Ben lives and breathes what he teaches. He enjoys traditional, nourishing practices in a modern setting. Currently he lives with his wife and two daughters on a 15 acre, organic farm in the Hawke's Bay where they grow over 80% of the food the family eats.
Ben is well known in New Zealand with over 40,000 people coming to see Ben speak at his nationwide live seminar events. He presented at Tedx Talk on health and longevity in the modern world.
Ben Warren's nutrition and health programme achieved amazing results in reversing the parameters of type two diabetes in a pilot study of 27 Māori people and this study was featured on 60 Minutes involving ex-All Black captain, Taine Randell.
Ben regularly features in the media through TV and radio interviews, and writes a number of educational articles for various magazines and websites.
Through his work with one-on-one clients at the BePure clinic, he has developed the BePure range to assist with everyday, abundant health.
Clients of the BePure Clinic include people from various backgrounds. This includes supporting those with gut health concerns, auto-immune conditions, weight management and women with hormone health and fertility issues, as well as elite athletes, Olympians and helping people to live with more energy each day. He has devoted his life to helping transform people's lives and improving their performance.
Master of Science in Holistic Nutrition, Hawthorn University USA (MSHN)
BA in Experimental Psychology with honours, University of South Carolina USA
Registered member of International Organization of Nutritional Consultants
Level 2 Touch for Health Kinesiology (TFH)
Level 2 Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
Continued personal research into soil agronomy
Ben is currently completing a PhD on the relationship between nutrition, metabolomics and mental health at Canterbury University under Professor Julia Rucklidge.
Ben's knowledge and work has been included in a range of publications such as
Good Health Choices Magazine
Good Magazine
Remix Magazine
60 Minutes. Documentary about a nutrition and wellness protocol designed by Ben which led to the reversal of the parameters of type 2 diabetes in a pilot study of 27 Maori people.
TEDx talk
Good Morning TV

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